How easily the youthful fire in your belly can turn into embers with time and age.

Recently a good friend of mine said “I dreamed of receiving an academy award for costume design when I was younger”. What happened to this dream and what caused that fire within her to burn out? Life happened! As a single mum of three children this dream has dimmed and she now works in a ‘good’ job to bring in money to support her family. Though I believe the embers still burn within her otherwise she would not have mentioned this to me.

Because I am well acquainted with my friend I know she would like to earn an adequate living from her creativity. Over the time I have known her she has worked for a number of local theatre companies creating costumes and set designs for small amounts of pay. This is where her gifts lay and the work she produced showed it. However in the end the need for a regular income compelled her to find a ‘job’.

She is not alone in this predicament; another friend of mine would love to act for a living. However he works in an average job that pays reasonably well and acts outside of work hours. I know for a fact that he would leave his job in a jiffy if he could earn enough money from his acting. The phenomena of artistic people suppressing or limiting their creativity because of jobs they ‘have to do’ to earn a living is prevalent. I have heard this dilemma on many occasions when speaking with people who have a creative passion.

The questions that come to my mind are; what if you could earn reasonable money from your creativity? What if you could work smart to earn enough to support your families and creativity? What would this mean to you and your children? How would our community and perhaps the world change if each of us were to unleash our own creativity?

Lets start thinking about how to reignite your fire within!


November 11, 2013

Anni May Jensen