The Adventure Begins (Almost)
ONLY 7 days to go! I began to feel that inkling of excitement in me about 5 days ago and now with each day passing the excitement within me is growing. I can hardly believe that my first self-motivated big adventure is going to happen, the starting line is so close now.
With all my preparation and training I am almost ready, just some last-minute things to attend to now. Food is my final major preparation agenda with four weeks of food to buy next week. Perishables and top-ups will be bought along the way.
Finally, I have the correct size pack and I took it on a two-hour test hike partially loaded the other day and apart from a minor adjustment to the back length it was perfect. Can’t wait to put all my gear in it and see how it goes fully loaded.
I purchased new walking poles (an improvement on the cheap pair I was using) and gaiters to help protect me from snake bites. It is the snake-breeding season in Tasmania and they are at their most active during this time, so a little extra precaution for peace of mind is always best.
Still waiting for my EPIRB (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon) to arrive apart from that I think I have all my gear sorted. I finally found two pairs of shoes I am happy with and have decided to take both pairs (Paul will carry one pair in the car) to test them over the long term on the trail. This should give me a good idea of what I like for future walks.
I have done a complete itinerary of my journey and marked out campsites, rest stops and other important notes on my maps and trail guide. Paul is able to access most of my campsites so he will be great company in the evenings to talk about my highs and lows of trekking each day.
I have taken considerable time to research and weigh all my gear individually to get an idea of my final pack weight. I should have it under 12kg (fingers crossed) and I have created a short video to show you the gear I will be packing in my pack. I am probably taking too much (others carry a lightweight of 7-8kg) but as this is my first time doing this I will learn what I do and don’t need along the way. It is certainly better than the 18-20kg I anticipated taking a few months ago.
Before I leave I will be having a girls night out to see Tracks at the Village Gold Class to celebrate my departure. I read Robyn Davidson’s book (of the same name) back in the ’90s and was very inspired by what she achieved, I am so glad this movie is having an early release before I head off on my journey.
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