This week I came across the TED talk by David Steidl-Rast: Want to be happy? Be grateful

David’s concept of “Stop, Look, Go” is a wonderful phrase to remember when we are out and about in life as a reminder to take Mindful Adventures where ever we are.

Mindful Adventures are about helping people to be mindful and find ways to have a little adventure in everyday life. If you live in the city or country try to see something new in the environment around you that you may pass on a daily basis but never have taken notice of before.

Mindful Adventures are a way of living in the moment. We often go through life just trying to get from A-B without considering that which is right in front of us or connecting with the environment around us. By being mindful about what you can see around you can bring you into the present and help you to feel alive by living in the moment. Mindful Adventures can provide a sense of wellbeing, offer opportunities for fun and laughter and give us experiences that become memories.

Yesterday when I went for a walk I decided to “Stop, Look, Go and to be mindful of the small things. I scanned the ground as I walked to see what I could find. First I saw some small yellow flowers which were lovely however they were on mass and were easy to see. After taking a photo I looked over to the other side of the path and saw a small birds wing tucked in the flora. This was harder to see and if I had not looked I would not have seen it but I still wanted to find something that really was hidden, something out of the ordinary.

Native Tasmanian flower called Scaly Button
Small birds wing – sad I know

I continued and on the suburban pathway along the last section on the way home I caught a glimpse of something in the crack between the cement. I actually stepped over it but knew something odd had caught my eye. I took a few paces back to take a closer look and there it was. I smiled because this was exactly the sort of thing I wanted to find. I would have stepped on or over this crack many times before but not until today when I took the time to look that I saw it, a dirty 5c piece tucked in the crack amongst the weeds. I enjoyed stopping, looking and going and taking a Mindful Adventure by searching for the small things yesterday.

There it is the 5c piece in the crack of a path

Do you take time to be mindful when you are out and about or just trying to get from A-B without considering that which is around you? Could you find ways to be more mindful in every day life? I challenge you this week to find at least one thing that you notice in your environment that you have never noticed before.

Edited with BlogPad Pro

January 5, 2014

Anni May Jensen